Wednesday, January 10, 2018

New Year, Better Me

It is a new year and like many, I have vowed to be a better version of me this year.  Most of us resolve to self improvement at the beginning of each new year.  The goal is to keep working at it all year but many of us are out of the game and have reverted back to our old habits by March.  Continuing to push forward and make changes a habit over the next 90 days is the key to sustaining lifelong changes.  I am motivated and committed!  I want to rise earlier, read more, work harder, become more spiritual, donate a block of time to charity each month, eat healthier, get stronger and love more.  Did I leave anything out? 

Already thrown off track by sinusitis, my head aches so much that the thought of exercising makes me cringe, getting out of bed with the first thought of the day being pain in my cranium makes languishing on my pillow an extra 30-60 minutes almost feel necessary and staying up past 9:00 pm feels like torture.  Calculating and planning are near impossible tasks.  I am starting with the NetiPot today and hope that will give some relief.  Morning 2 of my "perfect day" is already off track but I will not be derailed!  I push ahead.

My husband and I weighed in on Sunday.  Between us we have a contest going.  The first to lose 10 lbs earns the right to demand of the other a complete wash and wax of his or her vehicle.  My car is really dirty so I need this win.  As of today, I have lost 3.2 lbs.  We have cleaned up our eating habits but exercise has been minimal due to the sinusitis episode.  I will do some basic stretches and calisthenics after 30 minutes on my bike.

On Sunday afternoon, we hit the grocery store and decided to spend more for the convenience in order to be more disciplined in eating healthy.  We bought enough eggs, Greek yogurt, raw nuts, pre-made salads and fruits to provide a week for each of us of healthy breakfasts and lunches.  We will make hummus and cut fresh veggies for snacks.  Cucumber and lemons will flavor our water.  And we loaded the cart with Ahi tuna, Sockeye salmon, boneless, skinless chicken breasts, lean sirloin and Cornish hens for dinners.  Partnered with frozen vegetables and a wide variety of grains and starches like various quinoa blends, rices, couscous, sweet potato and white potatoes, I think we have a bulletproof diet for the next week or so.

On the no thank you list is high fructose corn syrup and anything processed (with the exception of maybe bacon because my husband would die).  We are striving for whole foods and mostly home made meals. 

On the easy does it list is anything containing white flour or white sugar, oils and fats, alcohol and the afore mentioned bacon. 

I have long held the belief that artificial "diet foods" are extremely unhealthy and do bad things to our bodies and brains.  I use real butter instead of margarine and have for many years.  I use real sugar instead of artificial sweetener, real cream/whipped cream in place of artificial whipped toppings, etc.  If it doesn't grow, we shouldn't eat it. 

My immediate goal is to lose 10 lbs faster than my husband but my intermediate goal is to lose 30 lbs.  Ultimately, I have about 55 lbs to lose.  My plan is just to keep getting stronger and eating healthy and I believe it will happen naturally.  So, day 3 underway!
Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Scientific Exploration

Is scientific exploration truly scientific if it ignores aspects simply because the scientist doesn't believe in them? Can you ignore possibilities unproven because they are incongruent with your own mores and ideas and still call yourself a scientist? Or must you include these ideas in your study with an open and impartial mind and disprove them or confirm them as the evidence presents itself?